Today day when I was flipping through a spanish magazine called ENCASA, not reading mind you, but flipping!
I came across this step by step picture in true Pinterest Style.
I kinda liked it so I thought I´d share it with you.
Because I can not Pin it,
I scanned it, cropped it and uploaded it….
What did we do before Pinterest?
The quality is a bit grainy because of the many edits it´s been through but you get the idea, right?

It´s in an Spanish magazine, and because you do not
understand, speak or read Spanish you do not look at them.
I am ( almost ) the same as you.
But because it´s what I see in the shops I buy them anyway.
And then go to their website and look at the pictures which you then of course can PIN.
Maybe if you look at ENCASA you will find this picture and you can hit the pin button, just like that!
Or PIN this one right here….
Another route you can follow is to go to here and REPIN
( yes, I had to publish this post, pin it myself to link you to my Pinterest page and then update this post)
Or just follow me here
I love to have you over and start sharing and REPIN with you!
Now about this orange peel rose? What do you think?
I think it looks kinda cute and I will try it myself, someday, like true Pinterest Style….